Psalms 32:1

Psalm 32_1

There are many enjoyable things in life. Food. Sports. Family. Hawaii.

But no matter how enjoyable anything is, the joy it provides isn’t permanent. Eventually, other things in life will cause its joy to fade from our memories.

On the other hand, there is a blessing that is permanent. This blessing can be enjoyed on Earth moment by moment. It is also the only blessing that will carry over into the next life.

That is the blessing of having one’s sins forgiven.

God calls anyone who He has forgiven “blessed”. This is because such people will not have to stand before Him on Judgment Day. All their sins – past, present, and future – have been erased from His record books. He’ll never bring them up again.

On Judgment Day, all those who have been “born again” by acknowledging their sins, repenting of those sins, and accepting Jesus’ death as the only possible payment for those sins, will be declared “Innocent” by God and will get to enter heaven.

It’s important to note that when we study a passage of Scripture like this one that not only is what it is telling us true, but the opposite is also true. In this case, those whose sins have not been forgiven are not blessed. On the contrary, these people have brought a curse upon themselves because of their refusal to acknowledge and repent of their sins.

Such people will have to stand before God on Judgment Day and it won’t be pretty. All their sins will be exposed. They will have no defense. They won’t be able to offer up an excuse. They won’t be able to “explain” why they did what they did or thought what they thought or said what they said. None of that would have mattered anyway. They’ll have no choice but to agree with our holy God and admit they were abominable sinners.

Since these people refused God’s offer to cover their sins during their lifetime, they will be ineligible to enter God’s presence in heaven. Instead, they will spend eternity separated from Him in a place called hell.

Our imaginations may be vivid and creative, but none of us can conjure up accurate images of just how horrific hell will be. Hell’s only residents will be billions and billions of sinful human beings and angels who stubbornly refused to concede their sinfulness during their lifetime and, hence, will retain their sin nature for all eternity.

No one in hell will be considered blessed. The only place to be truly blessed is in the presence of our alright and loving creator God.

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